jeudi 26 septembre 2019

Install and Configure Oracle Database 12c Release 2 with ASM Using VirtualBox Part1

Install and Configure Oracle Database 12c Release 2 on Linux 7.3 with ASM Using VirtualBox Part1
Virtual Machine Setup


This article describes the installation of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2 64-bit) Standalone on Linux (Oracle Linux 7 64-bit) using VirtualBox (6.0.12) with Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

Virtual Machine Setup

Now we must define the virtual server node. Start VirtualBox and click the "New" button on the toolbar. Enter the name "12cr2asm", OS "Linux" and Version "Oracle (64 bit)", then click the "Next" button.

Enter "4096" as the base memory size, then click the "Next" button. Use more memory if you have enough physical memory on your machine as it will make the process much quicker! In our case, you set 8GB (8092) of the memory.
Accept the default option to create a new virtual hard disk by clicking the "Create" button.
Accept the default hard drive file type by clicking the "Next" button.

Accept the "Dynamically allocated" option by clicking the "Next" button.

Accept the default location and set the size to "50G", then click the "Create" button. If you can spread the virtual disks onto different physical disks, that will improve performance.

The "12cr2asm " VM will appear on the left-hand pane. Scroll down the details on the right and click on the "Network" link.
Make sure "Adapter 1" is enabled, set to "NAT", then click on the "Adapter 2" tab.

Make sure "Adapter 2" is enabled, set to "Host-only Adapter",

Move "Hard Disk" to the top of the boot order and uncheck the "Floppy" option, then click the "OK" button.
The virtual machine is now configured so we can start the guest operating system installation. Coming on the next part.

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