Part 1.
1. Fundamentals
Database operation is one or more SQL or PL/SQL statements executed by one or
more sessions. Those operations can generate a lot of problems related to the
performance. Problems can arise at any time. A proactive DBA watches for
problems and corrects them before they are noticed by users.
have provided many performances gathering and reporting tools over the years.
Oracle8i introduced the Statspack functionality which Oracle9i extended.
10g, Oracle Database automatically collects and stores workload information in
the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR). The AWR can be used to identify:
SQLs or Modules with
heavy loads or potential performances issues
Symptoms of those heavy
loads (e.g. Logical I/O (buffer gets), Physical I/O, Contention, Waits)
SQLs that could be
using sub-optimal execution plans (e.g. buffer gets, segments statistics
Numbers of executions
Parsing issues
General performance
issues (e.g. System capacity (I/O, Memory, CPU), System/Database Configuration)
SGA (Shared pool/buffer
cache) and PGA sizing advice.
report is a comparison report of two snapshots taken at the different
stores and reports statistics for each snapshot (identified by snapshot IDs).
This is the minimum granularity of time. An AWR report can only report the
total of each statistic between to completed snapshots. So, the choice of
snapshot is critical.
2. More about AWR
2.1. What means AWR?
Automatic Workload Repository is a collection of persistent system performance
statistics on Oracle Database, owner by SYS user and resides on SYSAUX
tablespace. AWR is the infrastructure that provides services to Oracle Database
components to collect, maintain and use statistics for problem detection and
self-tuning purposes.
AWR infrastructure consists of two major parts: An In-memory statistics
collection facility and AWR snapshots.
An In-memory statistic
is used to collect statistics. These statistics are stored in memory for performance
reasons. Statistics stored in memory are accessible through dynamic performance
views V$.
AWR snapshots represent
the persistent portion of the facility, that are accessible through data
dictionary DBA_ views and Enterprise Manager. By default, snapshots are
generated on every 60 minutes, maintained for 7 days and then purged using snapshot
FIFO (First In First Out) algorithm. Each snapshot has a unique ID known as
are stored in persistent storage for several reasons:
The statistics need to
survive instance crashes
Historical data for
base line comparisons is needed for certain types of analysis
When old statistics are
replaced by the new ones due to memory shortage, the replaced data can be
stored for later use.
AWR is
not used for real-time performance monitoring like the V$ tables. It is used
for historical analysis of performance. AWR complements, but does not replace
real-time monitoring.
Fig1: AWR Overview
2.2. AWR Snapshots and
As mentioned earlier, the Workload repository is a
collection of persistent system performance statistics. A snapshot is a set of
performance statistics captured at certain time and used for computing the rate
of change of a statistic. By default, snapshots are generated every 60 minutes.
You can adjust this frequency by changing the snapshot interval parameter.
In RAC (Real Application Cluster) environment, each
snapshot spans all nodes in a cluster and snapshots for data in each node share
the same snap_id, differentiated by their instance IDs. You can also take a
manual snapshots by using Enterprise Manager; taking manual snaphots are
expected to be used when you want to capture the system behavior at two
specific point not time that do not coincide with the automatic schedule.
Fig.2: AWR Repository
Database statistics using AWR is enabled using the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter.
parameter should be set to TYPICAL (By default) or ALL. Setting the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter to BASIC disables
the collection of many of the important statistics required by Oracle Database
features and functionality, including:
Automatic Workload
Repository (AWR) Snapshots
Automatic Database
Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
All server-generated alerts
When the
STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to ALL, additional statistics are added
to the set of statistics collected with the TYPICAL setting. The
additional statistics are timed OS statistics and plan execution statistics.
2.3. Snapshots management
As mentioned earlier, Snapshots are sets of
historical data for specific time periods that are used for performance
comparisons by ADDM. By default, Oracle Database automatically generates
snapshots of the performance data once every hour and retains the statistics in
the workload repository for 8 days.
To manually
create snapshots in order to capture statistics at times different than
those of the automatically generated snapshots. Use the below script
Query the below
SQL and go at the end to view the newly created snapshot
SQL> select * from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT
To view a list of
the snapshot Ids along with database Ids, check
DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.DROP_SNAPSHOT_RANGE (low_snap_id => 21196, high_snap_id
=> 21199, dbid => 1545380912);
Modify Snapshots
We have noticed
the default snapshot interval is one hour (60 minutes) but sometimes you will need
to reduce it according to your database workload.
Before reducing
it, you need to check the current interval using the below script:
SQL> select extract(day from
snap_interval) *24*60+extract(hour from snap_interval) *60+extract(minute from
snap_interval) snapshot_interval,extract(day from retention) *24*60+extract(hour
from retention) *60+extract(minute from retention) retention_interval from
----------------- ------------------
60 11520
Then modify the
snapshot interval
SQL> exec
interval=>15, dbid=> 1545380912);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select extract(day from
snap_interval) *24*60+extract(hour from snap_interval) *60+extract(minute from
snap_interval) snapshot_interval,extract(day from retention) *24*60+extract(hour
from retention) *60+extract(minute from retention) retention_interval from
----------------- ------------------
15 43200
2.4. AWR Baselines
A baseline contains performance data from a specific time
period that is preserved for comparison with other similar workload periods
when performance problems occur. The snapshots contained in a baseline are
excluded from the automatic AWR purging process and are retained indefinitely.
Creating a
Based on the snapshots we created above, we will create the baseline.
Get the snap id
to create the baseline on using DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT
Create the base
line as below
DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_BASELINE (start_snap_id => 21196,end_snap_id
=> 21199, baseline_name => high baseline',dbid => 1545380912);
View the baseline
create using the script below
SQL> select dbid,baseline_id,baseline_name
Renaming a
Review the
existing baselines in the DBA_HIST_BASELINE view as mentioned above to
determine the baseline that you want to rename.
Use the script
below the rename the baseline
(old_baseline_name => 'high baseline', new_baseline_name => 'low peak
baseline', dbid => 1545380912);
Dropping the
DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.DROP_BASELINE (baseline_name => 'low peak baseline',
cascade => FALSE, dbid => 1545380912);
3. How to generate
AWR Report
report can be generated from SQL*Plus by running the AWR SQL scripts stored
under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin, or through Oracle Enterprise Manager Database
Control or Cloud Control.
3.1. Using SQL*Plus
As mentioned, there are a lot of AWR related scripts
stored in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. I will be focused to the most
important ones.
Note: You need
a valid diagnostic pack license before you can use those scripts.
I will group the scripts according to their field
Script |
Description |
awrrpt.sql |
AWR reports for current single instance
database |
awrrpti.sql |
AWR report for another dbid or instance
(even RAC) |
awrgrpt.sql |
AWR Global report for current RAC (from
11gR2 and above) |
awrgrpti.sql |
AWR Global report for RAC another dbid,
another instance (from 11gR2 and above) |
AWR Performance
Report Comparison Scripts
Script |
Description |
awrddrpt.sql |
AWR DateDiff report for current single
instance database |
awrddrpi.sql |
AWR DateDiff report for another dbid,
another instance |
awrgdrpt.sql |
AWR dateDiff report for Global RAC View
on current RAC |
awrgdrpi.sql |
AWR dateDiff report for Global RAC View
for another dbid, another instance |
AWR SQL Report
Script |
Description |
awrsqrpt.sql |
AWR SQL statement report for current
single instance database |
awrsqrpi.sql |
AWR SQL statement report for another dbid
or instance |
AWR Data Movement
Script |
Description |
awrextr.sql |
export awr data using datapump |
awrload.sql |
import awr data using datapump |
AWR Additional
Script |
Description |
awrinfo.sql |
general AWR information |
perfhubrpt.sql |
Performance Hub Active Report |
awrinpnm.sql |
AWR input name |
awrinput.sql |
Get inputs for AWR reports |
awrddinp.sql |
Get inputs for AWR
diff report (awrddrpi.sql) |
awrgdinp.sql |
Get inputs for AWR
global diff reports (awrgdrpi.sql) |
the scripts are interactive. The below arguments must be provided:
Report Type (html or
The HTML format is recommended. It is
clearer, easier to read and has complete SQL statements (they are not
Database and Instance
If running for a specified instance (e.g.
awrrpti.sql) then the script will list the "Instances in this Workload
Repository schema" and prompt for the database id (dbid) and instance
number (inst_num). The current (local) instance will be highlighted with an
asterix (*) at the left hand side of the row. Choose an instance. This should
be the database and instance on which the performance issue has been observed.
If running for specified instances on a RAC environment (e.g. awrgrpti.sql)
then the instance can be a comma separated list of instance numbers or
Begin and End Snapshots
It is advisable to think about the
snapshots required before running these scripts. It is usually best to produce
AWR reports for every snapshot during the period of the performance issue. If a
performance issue is long running (straddles more than 2 snapshots) then it is
very useful to produce a report for the whole period of the performance issue,
program or process. Ideally for snapshots covering the period from just before
the program/process starts until just after program/process completes. If a
series of successive programs or processes is being reported on (e.g. Upgrade)
then produce a separate report for the period that each successive program is
running (if possible).
Report Name
the report name or enter null for it to default to
For the RAC reports (awrrptg.sql/awrrptgi.sql).
SQL> @awrgrpt.sql
Current Database
DB Id DB Name
----------- ------------
158881526 ORCLDB
Specify the Report Type
AWR reports can be generated in the following
formats. Please enter the
name of the format at the prompt. Default value is 'html'.
HTML format (default)
Text format
Includes Performance Hub active report
Enter value for report_type:
Type Specified:
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------------------------
* 158881526 1 ORCLDB ORCLDB1
* 158881526
* 158881526
Using 158881526
for database Id
Using instances ALL (default 'ALL')
Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the
most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
Enter value for num_days: 1
Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots
DB Name
Snap Id Snap Started Level
------------ --------- ------------------ -----
39352 30 Jun 2021 10:41 1
39353 30 Jun 2021 12:00 1
39354 30 Jun 2021 13:00 1
39355 30 Jun 2021 14:00 1
39356 30 Jun 2021 15:00 1
39357 30 Jun 2021 16:00 1
39358 30 Jun 2021 17:00 1
39359 30 Jun 2021 18:00 1
39360 30 Jun 2021 19:00 1
39361 30 Jun 2021 20:00 1
39362 30 Jun 2021 21:00 1
Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 39352
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 39352
Enter value for end_snap: 39354
End Snapshot
Id specified: 39354
Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is
awrrpt_rac_39352_39354.html. To use this
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an
Enter value for report_name:
Using the report name awrrpt_rac_39352_39354.html
<br /><a class="awr"
href="#top">Back to Top</a><p />
<p />
<p />
<p />
<p />
<p />
End of Report
Report written to awrrpt_rac_39352_39354.html
When the script is completed, you can open the AWR
report with your Internet Navigator.
3.2. Using Enterprise
Manager Grid Control
On Performance Page, Go
to AWRàAWR Report:
- Choose the Begin and End Snaphot and then click on Generate Report Button.
4. Tips before analyzing
AWR Report
4.1. Collect multiple
AWR Reports
It’s always suggested to have a least two AWR reports,
one for good time (when database was performing well), second when performance
is poor. This way we can easily compare good and bad report to find out the
4.2. Stick to
Particular time
Always take the report during the time when the
Database is performing slow. We have to have a specific tike like Database was
slow today at 10AM and continued till 02PM. Here, we can get a report for these
four hours.
4.3. Split Large AWR
Report into smaller reports
Instead of having one report for a long time like one
report for 4 hours, it’s better to have four reports each for one hour. This
will help to isolate the problem.
4.4. A few Knowledges
What is DB Time)
Time is amount of elapsed time spent performing database user-level calls. DB
Time is a total time in Database calls by foreground sessions. It includes CPU
time, I/O time and non-idle wait time. Total DB Time is a sum of DB time for
all active sessions. DB Time is different to Response Time. DB Time is measured
cumulatively from the time that the instance was started.
What is DB CPU
is amount of CPU time spent on database user-level calls. This time includes
processes on the run queue. Maximum
Sequence load elapsed time
the amount of elapsed time spent getting the next sequence number from the data
dictionary. If a sequence is cached, this is the amount of time spend
replenishing the cache when it runs out. No time if the sequence number is
found in the cache.
Parse Time elapsed
the amount elapsed time spent parsing SQL statement. It includes both soft and
hard parse time.
Hard Parse elapsed Time
the amount elapsed time spent hard-parsing SQL statement.
SQL execute elapsed Time
the amount elapsed time SQL statements are executing. If it’s the SELECT
statement, this amount also includes the amount of time spent performing
fetched of query results
Connection Management call elapsed time
the amount elapsed time spent performing session connect and disconnect calls.
Failed parse elapsed time
the amount of time spent performing SQL parses that ultimately fail with some
parse error.
Hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time
the amount of time spent performing SQL hard parses when the hard parse
resulted from not being able to share an existing cursor in the SQL cache.
Hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time
the amount of time spent performing SQL hard parses when the hard parse
resulted from bind type or bind mismatch with an existing cursor in the cache.
PL/SQL execution elapsed time
the amount of time spent running the PL/SQL interpreter.
PL/SQL compilation elapsed time
the amount of time spent running the PL/SQL compiler.
Inbound PL/SQL RPC
elapsed time
inbound PL/SQL remote procedure calls (RPCs) have spent executing. It includes
all time spent recursively executing SQL and Java, and therefore, is not easily
related to PL/SQL execution elapsed time.
Java execution
elapsed time
of elapsed time spent running the Java VM. This does not include time spent
recursively executing or parsing SQL statements or time spent recursively executing
Repeated bind
elapsed time
time spent on rebinding
Background CPU
of CPU time (in microseconds) consumed by database background processes
Background elapsed
time spent in the database by background sessions (CPU time and non-idle wait
time spent by RMAN backup and restore operations
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