dimanche 1 août 2021

Create and Configure database link from Oracle to Non-Oracle database


Create and Configure database link from Oracle to Non-Oracle database

By Donatien MBADI OUM, OCP, OCE, Oracle Instructor


1.  Introduction to Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC

Oracle Database Gateways provide the ability to transparently access data residing in a non-Oracle system from an Oracle environment. The following sections briefly cover Heterogeneous Services, the technology that the Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC is based on.

1.1.    Overview of Oracle Database Gateways

Gateway technology is composed of two parts: a component that has the generic technology to connect to a non-Oracle system, which is common to all the non-Oracle systems, called Heterogeneous Services, and a component that is specific to the non-Oracle system that the gateway connects to. Heterogeneous Services, in conjunction with the Oracle Database Gateways, enable transparent access to non-Oracle systems from an Oracle environment.

Heterogeneous data access is a problem that affects a lot of companies. Many companies run several different database systems. Each of these systems stores data and has a set of applications that run against it. Consolidating this data in one database system is often hard - in large part because many of the applications that run against one database may not have an equivalent that runs against another. Until migration to one consolidated database system is feasible, it is necessary for the various heterogeneous database systems to interoperate.

Oracle Database Gateways provide the ability to transparently access data residing in a non-Oracle system from an Oracle environment. This transparency eliminates the need for application developers to customize their applications to access data from different non-Oracle systems, thus decreasing development efforts and increasing the mobility of the application. Applications can be developed using a consistent Oracle interface for both Oracle and non-Oracle systems.

1.2.    Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC Architecture

The gateway works with an ODBC driver to access the non-Oracle data store using Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC. The driver that you use must be on the same machine as the gateway. The non-Oracle system can reside on the same machine as the Oracle database or on a different machine.

The gateway can be installed on the machine running the non-Oracle system, the machine running the Oracle database or on a third machine as a standalone. Each configuration has its advantages and disadvantages. The considerations when determining where to install the gateway are network traffic, operating system platform availability, hardware resources and storage.

The ODBC driver may require non-Oracle client libraries even if the non-Oracle database is located on the same machine.

This tutorial shows how to integrate remote non-oracle data with Oracle by using DG4ODBC. It can be useful using Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL database with an ODBC driver.

Oracle’s heterogeneous connectivity solution enables client applications to take advantage of Oracle’s underlying security features. For example, you secure the Oracle® database connection with Oracle Advanced Security. In this tutorial, we are using the PostgreSQL as non-oracle database and we are using the Windows gateway server.

Our architecture is as below:

In this configuration:

A client connects to the Oracle database through Oracle Net.

The Heterogeneous Services component of the Oracle database connects through Oracle Net to the gateway.

The gateway communicates with the following non-Oracle components:

An ODBC driver manager

An ODBC driver

Each user session receives its own dedicated agent process spawned by the first use in that user session of the database link to the non-Oracle system. The agent process ends when the user session ends.

2.  Implementation steps

2.1.    Create an ODBC on Gateway Machine


-      Open the ODBC tool for PostgreSQL (ODBC for PostgreSQL must be first installed on the Gateway Server)

-      Provide PostgreSQL Database Name, IP/Hostname, Port Number and Credential and test the connection to PostgreSQL Database

2.2.    Create a Gateway Init File


On the Oracle gateway server, log in using an account that belongs to the Administrators group. Make a copy of the template gateway init file, initdg4odbc.ora. The template file is stored in the ORACLE_HOME\hs\admin folder.

Every instance using DG4ODBC for Windows needs a separate init*.ora file. For this tutorial, we copied the template init file, initdg4odbc.ora, to initreporting.ora, a naming convention that identified our target database. The init file references the System ODBC data source for the target database. For example:

# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are

# needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC


# HS init parameters


HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = my_system_odbc_dsn




# Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system


#set <envvar>=<value>





The name of the system ODBC data source that you added in the Windows ODBC Administrator. Note that as DG4ODBC for Windows uses the SQLDriverConnect ODBC API, you can actually put any valid ODBC connection string here.


Specifies the level of tracing. You should generally leave this commented out, as tracing can degrade performance. However, if you are having problems, HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL may be set:


This setting generates a log file for each SQL*Plus connection. Gateway log files are stored in the ORACLE_HOME\hs\trace folder. For example, ORACLE_HOME\hs\trace\FB_agt_1516.trc.


If you want to use multiple active statements and the ODBC driver supports this feature (which, for example, the Firebird ODBC driver does), leave HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS commented out:



If you do not want to use multiple active statements or the ODBC driver does not support this feature, un-comment the HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS setting by deleting the # character from the start of the line.


2.3.    Edit listener.ora

The Oracle Listener listens for incoming requests from the Oracle database. For the Oracle Listener to listen for DG4ODBC, information about DG4ODBC must be added to the Oracle Listener configuration file, ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\listener.ora.

Configure the Listener on Gateway Server

1.    Open the LISTERNER.ORA file (Located on $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin)


2.    Modify the listener.ora file as below :







      (SID_DESC =

      (SID_NAME = your_SID)


      (PROGRAM = dg4odbc))





The name of the gateway init file without the init prefix or ora extension. For example, we named the init file initfb, and so used fb as the SID_NAME.


The location of your Oracle home directory.




This is the executable name of the Windows Oracle® Database Gateway for ODBC.


3.    Start the listener:


2.4.    Edit tnsnames.ora

The final Oracle file to edit is ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora. You need to add a connect descriptor for the gateway. The connect descriptor identifies the Oracle server to attach to and the SID_NAME to use. For example:

    (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=fb))





The connect descriptor for DG4ODBC for Windows. You include this entry when creating the database link with SQL*Plus.


Reference the SID_NAME you created for DG40DBC in the connect descriptor. For example, "fb_connection". Do this so that your tnsnames.ora and listener.ora entries can be attributed to each other.


This is the entry for your Oracle® server. For example:





This must specify the SID_NAME entry you created in listener.ora. For example:





Specifies that this connect descriptor connects to a non-Oracle system.

Save the file when you have entered this information.

Use tnsping <alias> to check that you can connect to the new service. If tnsping succeeds, you will get a message similar to:

tnsping fb
TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 31-JUL-2021 17:19:20
Copyright (c) 1997, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxxxxxxxx)(PORT=5424)) 
 (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=fb_connection)) (HS=OK))
OK (10 msec)

If tnsping successfully connects, you can now create a database instance and try to connect to it.

2.5.    Create a Database Link

To access an ODBC data source through DG4ODBC for Windows, you need to create a database link. To do this, connect to SQL*Plus as if connecting to your regular database. At the SQL prompt, create a new database link. For example:

"dbuser" IDENTIFIED BY "dbpassword" using 'fb_connection';

The previous command creates an Oracle® database link named hslink that references the tnsnames.ora entry you created for DG4ODBC for Windows. Note that when creating the database link, the database user and password need to be supplied.

"dbuser" and "dbpassword" must be a valid Firebird user name and password.

'fb_connection' is the tnsnames.ora entry you created to identify DG4ODBC for Windows and must be enclosed in single quotes.

After creating the database link, try verifying the connection to the ODBC data source by running a SQL query. For example:

select * from “remote_table”@hslink;


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