mardi 25 octobre 2022

Migrate your on-premises Database to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database System: Part 2: Data Pump


Migrate your on-premises Database to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database System

Part 2: Data Pump

Author: Donatien MBADI OUM, Consultant


1.    Introduction

The first part was to present an overview and considerations about migrating the Oracle database to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You may notice that Oracle Databases on Oracle Oracle Cloud are only created using the Multitenant architecture and all databases are encrypted by default, using transparent Data Encryption (TDE). The keystore password is set to the value of the administration password that is specified when the database system is created from cloud console. For more information, see here.

There are several methods to migrate to Oracle Cloud. In this part, we will talking in practice the Data Pump methods including:

-        Data Pump Conventional Export/Import

-        Data Pump Full Transportable

-        Data Pump Transportable Tablespace

-        Data Pump Convert Full transportable

Before migration, check that all the options installed on the source database, either non-CDB or PDB, are available on the target cloud CDB, otherwise you will need to remove those options on the source database before migration.


2.    What is Data Pump


Oracle Data Pump enables you to fast move data and metadata from one database to another. It’s an upgrade to the former export/import utility but it has been built from scratch and it has a completely different architecture.

Data Pump is available from Oracle Database 10g and the latest version, like 19c is compatible with any lower version up to 10g.

Data Pump supports migrating database across platforms with different endian formats and to a different database architecture or between different release versions of the database software.

Data Pump supports encryption of data before writing it to the dump file. It also supports parallelism to accelerate the export and import of large amount of data.

Data Pump supports compression of output file to save space on the disk and also supports operations over the network without need an intermediate storage.

Data Pump supports remapping tables, schemas and tablespaces during and import operation.

Data Pump supports filtering the objects that are exported and imported, based upon objects and object types.


3.    Data Pump migration in practice


3.1.Conventional Data Pump Export/Import

In this lab, we will migrate a non-CDB 11g database on on-premise machine to OCI pluggable database which is running on 19c. The following steps can be applied using non-CDB/PDB on 12c or later.


The workflow that we will follow is as below:

Database migration workflow using conventional Data Pump Export/Import

Note: If you are migrating to Oracle Autonomous Database, then you would copy the dump files to OCI Object Storage instead of the local database machine. You can simply use the web-based cloud console or the OCI command-line to put the dump files on Object Storage.



-        The OCI Database System is supposed to be created

-        The connection from on-premises to OCI node is configured using the public key

-        The security list is correctly configured to allow SSH and SQL Net connectivity.

For more information see here


3.1.1.   Make Directory on on-premise


$. 11g_env

$mkdir –p /home/oracle/dumps


SQL>create directory dpdump as '/home/oracle/dumps';


3.1.2.   Perform Export from on-premise


$expdp system/oracle@onprem:1521/db11g directory=dpdump schemas=hr flashback_time=systimestamp dumpfile=exp_hr.dmp logfile=exp_hr.log



3.1.3.   Make directory on OCI DB System node


mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/dumps



3.1.4.   scp the dump files from on-premise to the OCI DB System node


$scp -i /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa exp_hr.dmp oracle@db_system_node_ip:/u01/app/oracle/dumps/


Db system node ip address can be found through the Cloud console.


3.1.5.   Create a directory on OCI


SQL>create directory dpdump as '/u01/app/oracle/dumps';



3.1.6.   Create tablespace on OCI (optional)


SQL>create tablespace datatbs datafile '+DATA' size 256M autoextend on;



3.1.7.   Run impdp


§  Checking the host and service name registered on the listener


§  Perform impdp

$impdp system/****************@ directory=dpdump dumpfile=exp_hr.dmp schemas=HR remap_schema=HR:HR11GMIG remap_tablespace=EXAM

PLE:DATATBS logfile=imp_hr.log

Note: It’s possible to have some errors that can be fixed after the migration.


3.1.8.   Testing

Now we can make some testing:



3.2.Data Pump Transportable tablespace

The transportable tablespace method is generally much faster than a conventional export/import of the same data because the data files containing all of the actual data are simply copied to the destination location. You use Data Pump only to transfer the metadata of the tablespace objects to the new database. You can only use this method if the on-premise platform is little endian and the database character sets of your on-premise database and Oracle Database Service database are compatible.

In this lab, we will migrate a PDB 12c database on on-premise machine to OCI database which is running on 19c. The following steps can be applied using non-CDB/PDB on 12c or later.



The workflow that we will follow is as below:

Database migration workflow using Data Pump Transportable Tablespace


This method become really complex because you had to do it one tablespace at a time and the business require a complicated set of steps to move user and application metadata needed to effectively use these tables based on the data files in the destination database. That why Oracle came up with the strategy of data full transportable.


3.3.Data Pump Full Transportable


Oracle came up with the feature of speed a usability to combine in a form of full transportable Export/Import. This method has the ability to move the metadata over a database link and to accomplish a full database migration with a single import command.


 The workflow that we will follow is as below:


Database migration workflow using Data Pump Full Transportable


3.3.1.   Check Data Pump Directory (cleanup)


$cd /home/oracle/dumps/

$rm -f *





3.3.2.   Let’s create another two tablespaces on 12c pluggable database




3.3.3.   Make tablespace Read Only



3.3.4.   Perform expdp

$expdp system/Oracle21@onprem:1525/PDB12C_1 full=y transportable=always directory=dpdump dumpfile=exp_full_tts.dmp logfile=exp_full_tts.log exclude=tablespace:"IN('USERS')"



3.3.5.   Cleanup dump directory on OCI



3.3.6.   scp dump file and datafiles to OCI node


scp -i /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa /home/oracle/dumps/exp_full_tts.dmp oracle@



scp -i /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa /opt/app/oracle/oradata/cdb12c/pdb12c_1/EXAMPLE21.DBF /opt/app/oracle/oradata/cdb12c/pdb12c_1/datadf01.dbf /opt/app/oracle/oradata/cdb12c/pdb12c_1/datadf02.dbf oracle@

o   We are going to create another pluggable database, PDB2 using OCI console



o   Check that the service is listened

3.3.7.   Copy datafile from filesystem to ASM on OCI (optional)


§  Checking the ASM datafile directory

§  Copy the datafiles to +DATA

3.3.8.   Create related users and grand privileges and roles on OCI

3.3.9.   Run impdp on OCI

impdp system/Momentum-Tech_1234@ directory=dpdump dumpfile=exp_full_tts.dmp full=y transport_datafiles='+data



3.3.10.     Login and check data


3.4.RMAN CONVERT Transportable Tablespace with Data Pump


You can use this method only if the database character sets of your on-premises database and the database service database are compatible.

It’s similar to the Data Pump Transportable Tablespace method, with the addition of the RMAN CONVERT command to enable transport between platforms with different endianness.



The workflow that we will follow is as below:

Database migration workflow using RMAN CONVERT Transportable Tablespace


In this lab, we are going to migrate an Oracle database running on 19c as pluggable database named PDB1 on Windows machine to OCI Database service pluggable database PDB3. All the data are owned by the schema OT on OT_TBS tablespaces.


o   Data



o   Checking Endianness



3.5. Create data pump directory on on-premise machine


SQL>create directory dpdump_dir as 'c:\dumps';



o   Make tablespace READ ONLY on on-premise


SQL>alter tablespace ot_tbs read only;



3.6. Perform expdp


C:>expdp system/oracle@localhost:1521/pdb1 directory=dpdump_dir TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES=OT_TBS TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK=YES dumpfile=exp_ot_tts.dmp logfile=exp_ot_tts.log


3.7. Perform RMAN CONVERT


RMAN>CONVERT TABLESPACE OT_TBS to platform='Linux x86 64-bit' format 'c:\rman_df\%U';



3.8. scp dump file and datafiles to OCI


scp -i '.\Users\Donatien MBADI\.ssh\id_rsa' C:\dumps\EXP_OT_TTS.DMP oracle@               

scp -i '.\Users\Donatien MBADI\.ssh\id_rsa' C:\rman_df\DATA_D-CDB01_I-1643732499_TS-OT_TBS_FNO-29_011A0PI6 oracle@


o   Copy datafiles to ASM OCI

cp /u01/app/oracle/dumps/DATA_D-CDB01_I-1643732499_TS-OT_TBS_FNO-29_011A0PI6 +DATA/DBTESTM_YYZ1VH/EAC891AD5094F9EAE0536D00000A7FB9/DATAFILE/ot_df01.dbf



o   Create a new PDB on OCI


create pluggable database PDB3

admin user admin

identified by Oracle12

file_name_convert = ('+DATA','+DATA');



3.9. Create the user on destination database service database





impdp system/Momentum-Tech_1234@ directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=EXP_OT_TTS.DMP TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='+DATA/DBTESTM_YYZ1VH/EAC891AD5094F9EAE0536D00000A7FB9/DATAFILE/ot_df01.dbf'





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