lundi 15 novembre 2021

Proposition de Syllabus du cours de bases de données approfondies 5e année Ingénieur/Master2 2021/2022

Proposition de Syllabus du cours de bases de données approfondies 5e année Ingénieur/Master2


 Bases de données Approfondies


5e année 2021/2022


Management des systèmes d’informations, Génie logiciel




Donatien MBADI OUM



Ce cours est principalement centré sur le rappel et l’approfondissement autour d'une base de données relationnelle et aux bases de données NoSQL. Dans la première partie, après un bref rappel sur les bases de données relationnelles, on s'intéresse à la spécification et au traitement de l'intégrité sémantique et à la gestion des transactions, notamment les mises à jour, le contrôle des accès concurrents et la résistance aux pannes. Dans la deuxième partie on s'intéresse au système de gestion de bases de bases de données (SGBD) Oracle. On traite des éléments de l’architecture, la configuration réseau ainsi que des aspects su stockage et de la sécurité. Enfin, dans la troisième partie, après avoir introduit l'informatique décisionnelle, les entrepôts de données et le Big Data (Big Data Engineering et Big Data Analytic), on s’intéresse aux bases de données NoSQL et au SGBD MongoDB. Nous abordons comment travailler avec les documents et comment mettre en place des architectures de réplication et de répartition des données (Sharding)

Un enseignement pratique associé à ce cours permet l'assimilation de toutes les parties.




Leçon 1 : Rappels théoriques sur les bases de données


Types de bases de données

Modélisation du Base de Données

Algèbre relationnelle

Opérations relationnelles


Leçon 2 : Transactions et gestion de la concurrence

Définir une transaction dans une base de données relationnelle

Gérer la concurrence des transactions

Analyser la fiabilité des transactions


Leçon 3 : Architecture d’une base de données oracle

Éléments d ’architecture

Structures de processus

Structures de mémoires

Structures de stockage

Leçon 4 : Installation et création d’une base de données oracle

Vérifier les prérequis avant l’installation

Utiliser Oracle Universal Installer

Planifier la création d’une base de données

Utiliser l’assistant de création de base de données


Leçon 5 : Gestion d’une instance oracle

Démarrer et arrêter une instance Oracle et ses composantes

Modifier les paramètres d’initialisation

Décrire les étapes de démarrage d’une base de données oracle

Décrire les options d’arrêt d’une base de données

Visualiser le fichier des alertes


Leçon 6 : Configurer l’environnement réseau

Utiliser Oracle Net Manager et l’assistant de configuration réseau pour :

Créer des modules d’écoute additionnels

Créer les alias de nom de service

Contrôler le module d’écoute

Utiliser l’utilitaire de contrôle du module d’écoute

Utiliser la commande tnsping



Leçon 7 : Gestion de la sécurité

Créer et gérer les comptes utilisateurs

Authentifier les utilisateurs

Assigner des espaces logiques de stockage par défaut

Octroyer et révoquer des privilèges

Créer et gérer les rôles

Créer et gérer les profils

Implémenter la sécurité des mots de passe


Leçon 8 : Gestion du stockage

Décrire le stockage des tables dans les blocs de données

Créer et gérer les espaces logiques de stockage (tablespaces)

Obtenir des informations sur les tablespaces


Leçon 9 : Gestion de la concurrence

Décrire les mécanismes de verrouillage

Décrire comment Oracle gère la concurrence

Surveiller et résoudre les conflits de verrouillage


Leçon 10 : Les bases de données reparties

Architecture d’une base de données repartie

Conception d’une base de données repartie

Techniques de fragmentation

Mécanisme de fragmentation avec Oracle


Leçon 11 : Les entrepôts de données ou Data Warehouse (DWH)

Émergence de l’Informatique Décisionnelle

Les entrepôts de données

Modélisation et implantation d’un entrepôt de données

Exploitation d’un entrepôt de données (OLAP)

Domaines d’application des entrepôts de données


Leçon 12 : Introduction au Big Data

Caractérisation du Big Data : modèle des 3V étendu au 5V

Exploitation des Data Centers : organisation, sharding and consistent hashing etc
Stockage et gestion des mégadonnées (Big Data Engineering)

Analyse des mégadonnées (Big Data Analytics)



Leçon 13 : Mouvement NoSQL

Limites des SGBD relationnels

Caractéristiques et typologies des BD NoSQL

Modèles Clé-Valeur

Modèles colonnes

Modèles Document


Leçon 14 : Présentation de MongoDB

Concepts de MongoDB

Installation et Configuration

Création d’une instance de bases de données


Leçon 15 : Travailler avec les documents



Operations CRUD


Leçon 16 : Sauvegardes et Restaurations dans MongoDB

Types de sauvegardes

Utiliser Mongodump, MongoRestore, MongoExport et Mongo Import


Leçon 17 : Réplication dans MongoDB

Haute disponibilité dans MongoDB

Mettre en place une réplication

Ajout et suppression des nœuds

Tests de basculement


Leçon 18 : Sharding dans MongoDB

Partitionnement des données

Architecture du Sharding

Mise en place d’un sharding






Méthodes pédagogiques


Le cours se fera en salle sous forme de présentation PowerPoint et le support de cours sera distribue aux étudiants ainsi que les liens utiles pour les téléchargements du logiciel et des documents additionnels. Des Quiz sont traités tout au long du cours, ainsi que des exercices pratiques.

Liens Utiles







mercredi 6 octobre 2021

MongoDB High Availability Cluster Implementation Part 2



MongoDB High Availability Cluster

Part 2

Replication and Sharding Implementation

By Donatien MBADI OUM, Database Expert


1.  Introduction

In part 1 we presented an Overview of MongoDB High Availability. The goal of this second part is to be practice by implementing replication and sharding. On this case, all the MongoDB instances are hosted on a Linux machine. In real case, separated servers are used with different Ips addresses.

We will start by setting up our replication by using the following steps:

-      Creating appropriated folders for each MongoDB instance

-      Starting the mongod instances

-      Enabling replication in MongoDB

-      Adding MongoDB instances to replica set

-      Testing the replication process

-      Testing the failover

-      Removing MongoDB instance from replica set

After that we will implement our sharding by following the below steps:

-      Creating Config Servers for MongoDB

-      Creating Shard Servers for MongoDB

-      Starting the Servers to initiate MongoDB Replication

-      Adding Shards to MongoDB Shard Servers

-      Testing the Sharding process 


2.  Configuring MongoDB Replication

2.1.    Environment

On this tutorial, we are using:

-      Oracle VirtualBox 6.1

-      Enterprise Linux 8.4

-      MongoDB 5.0


2.2.    Architecture

On this tutorial, we create 5 instances for replication as below:

-      One master instance

-      Three secondaries’ instances

-      An arbiter


2.3.    Creating instance folders

Since we are using a same machine (In real case, we should have different servers), we create 5 directories, one for each instance:






2.4.    Starting MongoDB instance

We choose repl01 as a name of our replicat set. To start the mongod instance, we specify the port value for the Mongo instance along with the path to our MongoDB installation. For each instance, we will add shardsrv option to prepare a future sharding configuration in a partitioned cluster.

To start the instances, we have can either directly running the mongod with all the options you need or by configuring a configuration file.

We choose the following command to enable the first mongod instance:

mongod --replSet repl01 --journal --port 27101 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl01/inst01 --logpath /opt/data/repl01/inst01/mongod_27101.log --fork


To use the configuration file, we need to first copy the existing sample file /etc/mongod.conf.

Eg. For instance inst01 (shard server),

cp /etc/mongod.conf /etc/confs/repl01/inst01/mongod_inst01.conf


#vim /etc/confs/repl01/inst01/mongod_inst01.conf


# mongod.conf


# for documentation of all options, see:



# where to write logging data.


  destination: file

  logAppend: true

  path: /opt/data/repl01/inst01/mongod_27101.log


# Where and how to store data.


  dbPath: /opt/data/repl01/inst01


    enabled: true

#  engine:

#  wiredTiger:


# how the process runs


  fork: true  # fork and run in background

  pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/  # location of pidfile

  timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo


# network interfaces


  port: 27101

  bindIp:  # Enter,:: to bind to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses or, alternatively, use the net.bindIpAll setting.








  replSetName: "repl01"




  clusterRole: shardsvr


## Enterprise-Only Options





We also create the other instances including the arbiter:

[root@linuxsvr01]# mongod --replSet repl01 --journal --port 27102 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl01/inst02 --logpath /opt/data/repl01/inst01/mongod_27102.log --fork

about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 9704

child process started successfully, parent exiting


[root@linuxsvr01]# mongod --replSet repl01 --journal --port 27103 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl01/inst03 --logpath /opt/data/repl01/inst03/mongod_27103.log --fork

about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 9760

child process started successfully, parent exiting



[root@linuxsvr01 inst01]# mongod --replSet repl01 --journal --port 27104 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl01/inst04 --logpath /opt/data/repl01/inst04/mongod_27104.log --fork

about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 9817

child process started successfully, parent exiting


[root@linuxsvr01]# mongod --replSet repl01 --journal --port 27100 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl01/arbiter --logpath /opt/data/repl01/inst01/mongod_27100.log --fork

about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 9871

child process started successfully, parent exiting



Or by using a configuration file for each instance:

2.5.    Enabling replication

On your production environment, you must make Ips/Host name configurations on /etc/host files on each server.

Now, we need to open the Mongo Shell with our primary instance as follows:

[root@linuxsvr01]# mongosh --port 27101


Note: We can still use mongo --port in MongoDB 5.0, but the new shell is mongosh --port is deprecated.

After connected on the first instance, we need to initiate the replication as follow:

test> use admin

switched to db admin



admin> cfg={_id:"repl01",members:[{_id:0,host:""},{_id:1,host:""},{_id:2,host:"",arbiterOnly:true}]}


  _id: 'repl01',

  members: [

    { _id: 0, host: '' },

    { _id: 1, host: '' },

    { _id: 2, host: '', arbiterOnly: true }





admin> rs.initiate(cfg);

{ ok: 1 }

repl01 [direct: other] admin>


repl01 [direct: secondary] admin>




2.6.    Adding nodes on replica set

Once we have initialized our Replica Set, we can now add the various MongoDB instances using the add command as follows:



The output {‘ok’:1} indicates that a MongoDB instance has been successfully added to the Replica Set.

Note: We can also add an arbiter as follow:

repl01:PRIMARY> rs.addArb('')


To check the status of the replication, you can use the status command as follows:



repl01 [direct: primary] admin> rs.status()


  set: 'repl01',

  date: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:51.584Z"),

  myState: 1,

  term: Long("1"),

  syncSourceHost: '',

  syncSourceId: -1,

  heartbeatIntervalMillis: Long("2000"),

  majorityVoteCount: 3,

  writeMajorityCount: 3,

  votingMembersCount: 5,

  writableVotingMembersCount: 4,

  optimes: {

    lastCommittedOpTime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

    lastCommittedWallTime: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.123Z"),

    readConcernMajorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

    appliedOpTime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

    durableOpTime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

    lastAppliedWallTime: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.123Z"),

    lastDurableWallTime: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.123Z")


  lastStableRecoveryTimestamp: Timestamp({ t: 1632436370, i: 1 }),

  electionCandidateMetrics: {

    lastElectionReason: 'electionTimeout',

    lastElectionDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:16:49.982Z"),

    electionTerm: Long("1"),

    lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 0, i: 0 }), t: Long("-1") },

    lastSeenOpTimeAtElection: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632435398, i: 1 }), t: Long("-1") },

    numVotesNeeded: 2,

    priorityAtElection: 1,

    electionTimeoutMillis: Long("10000"),

    numCatchUpOps: Long("0"),

    newTermStartDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:16:50.069Z"),

    wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:16:50.718Z")


  members: [


      _id: 0,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 1,

      stateStr: 'PRIMARY',

      uptime: 3700,

      optime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      syncSourceHost: '',

      syncSourceId: -1,

      infoMessage: '',

      electionTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632435410, i: 1 }),

      electionDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:16:50.000Z"),

      configVersion: 3,

      configTerm: 1,

      self: true,

      lastHeartbeatMessage: ''



      _id: 1,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',

      uptime: 1032,

      optime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDurable: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      optimeDurableDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      lastHeartbeat: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.180Z"),

      lastHeartbeatRecv: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.174Z"),

      pingMs: Long("0"),

      lastHeartbeatMessage: '',

      syncSourceHost: '',

      syncSourceId: 0,

      infoMessage: '',

      configVersion: 3,

      configTerm: 1



      _id: 2,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 7,

      stateStr: 'ARBITER',

      uptime: 1032,

      lastHeartbeat: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.180Z"),

      lastHeartbeatRecv: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.174Z"),

      pingMs: Long("0"),

      lastHeartbeatMessage: '',

      syncSourceHost: '',

      syncSourceId: -1,

      infoMessage: '',

      configVersion: 3,

      configTerm: 1



      _id: 3,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',

      uptime: 173,

      optime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDurable: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      optimeDurableDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      lastHeartbeat: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.180Z"),

      lastHeartbeatRecv: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:51.172Z"),

      pingMs: Long("0"),

      lastHeartbeatMessage: '',

      syncSourceHost: '',

      syncSourceId: 1,

      infoMessage: '',

      configVersion: 3,

      configTerm: 1



      _id: 4,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',

      uptime: 163,

      optime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDurable: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }), t: Long("1") },

      optimeDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      optimeDurableDate: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.000Z"),

      lastHeartbeat: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:50.180Z"),

      lastHeartbeatRecv: ISODate("2021-09-23T22:33:51.374Z"),

      pingMs: Long("0"),

      lastHeartbeatMessage: '',

      syncSourceHost: '',

      syncSourceId: 3,

      infoMessage: '',

      configVersion: 3,

      configTerm: 1



  ok: 1,

  '$clusterTime': {

    clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 }),

    signature: {

      hash: Binary(Buffer.from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "hex"), 0),

      keyId: Long("0")



  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632436430, i: 1 })


repl01 [direct: primary] admin>






We can also see which is the PRIMARY or MASTER instance in our replication as follows:




2.7.    Testing the Replication Process

Now, we can test the process by adding a document in the primary node. If replication is working properly, the document will automatically be copied into the secondaries node.

We will add the below documents on compta database:

{idclient:567, nomclient:"YAYA Moussa", adresse:"Boulevard Amadou Ahidjo", telephone:"67785-3390"},

                                                              {idclient:560, nomclient:"MBADI Donatien", adresse:"Mbanga Japoma", telephone:"67000-0000"},

                                                                  {idclient:356, nomclient:"ONANA Brice Roland",Ville:"Mbalmayo", telephone:"67785-3390"},

                                                                  {idclient:580, nomclient:"SANTOUNGA Yves-Cesaire", adresse:"Brescia Italie"},

                                                                  {idclient:866, nomclient:"YENE Yves-Evann", Pays:"Cameroun", Contact:"MBADI OUM"}

First, connect to the primary node and add a document using the insertMany command as follows:

repl01 [direct: primary] admin> use compta

switched to db compta

repl01 [direct: primary] compta> db.clients.insertMany([{idclient:567, nomclient:"YAYA Moussa", adresse:"Boulevard Amadou Ahidjo", telephone:"67785-3390"},

...                                                                                {idclient:560, nomclient:"MBADI Donatien", adresse:"Mbanga Japoma", telephone:"67000-0000"},

...                                                                                      {idclient:356, nomclient:"ONANA Brice Roland",Ville:"Mbalmayo", telephone:"67785-3390"},

...                                                                                      {idclient:580, nomclient:"SANTOUNGA Yves-Cesaire", adresse:"Brescia Italie"},

...                                                                                      {idclient:866, nomclient:"YENE Yves-Evann", Pays:"Cameroun", Contact:"MBADI OUM"}

... ]);


  acknowledged: true,

  insertedIds: {

    '0': ObjectId("614d062cf545c64ecc90d9a0"),

    '1': ObjectId("614d062cf545c64ecc90d9a1"),

    '2': ObjectId("614d062cf545c64ecc90d9a2"),

    '3': ObjectId("614d062cf545c64ecc90d9a3"),

    '4': ObjectId("614d062cf545c64ecc90d9a4")



repl01 [direct: primary] compta>


We can display documents as follow:

Now, we can switch to any secondary node using the following command:

E.g: mongosh --port 27103


Once connected on a secondary node, we try to display documents on clients collection:

We notice that, since we are connected on a secondary node, we cannot display information because of error 13435.

We can allow a secondary node to accept reads by running db.getMongo().setReadPref('secondary') in a mongo shell that is connected to that secondary node. Allowing reads from a secondary is not recommended, because you could be reading stale data if the node isn't yet synced with the primary node.

2.8.    Removing node from replica set

MongoDB Replica Sets also allow users to remove single or multiple instances they’ve added to the replica set using the remove command. To remove a particular instance, we first need to shut it down.

Example: We need to remove instance running on port 27104:

[root@linuxsvr01 ~]# mongo --port 27104

Current Mongosh Log ID: 614d0fd44520fc023111d647

Connecting to:          mongodb://

Using MongoDB:          5.0.2

Using Mongosh:          1.0.5


For mongosh info see:



   The server generated these startup warnings when booting:

   2021-09-23T17:47:12.123-04:00: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine. See

   2021-09-23T17:47:12.659-04:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted

   2021-09-23T17:47:12.659-04:00: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended

   2021-09-23T17:47:12.659-04:00: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never'

   2021-09-23T17:47:12.659-04:00: Soft rlimits for open file descriptors too low



Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.

  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.

repl01 [direct: secondary] test>


repl01 [direct: secondary] test>


repl01:SECONDARY> use admin

switched to db admin

repl01:SECONDARY> db.shutdownServer()

MongoNetworkError: connection 3 to closedrepl01:SECONDARY>


Once we have shut down the server, we need to connect with our primary server and use the remove command as follow:

repl01 [direct: primary] admin> rs.remove('')


  ok: 1,

  '$clusterTime': {

    clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632440665, i: 1 }),

    signature: {

      hash: Binary(Buffer.from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "hex"), 0),

      keyId: Long("0")



  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632440665, i: 1 })


repl01 [direct: primary] admin>}


After remove the instance, we can run the command rs.isMaster() to check the instance roles.

2.9.    Testing the failover

This exercise consists of simulate the loss of PRIMARY instance and then see what happens concerning the remaining nodes.

Let’s first add the node that we removed and then display the status of our replica set using rs.status():

As we can see, the PRIMARY instance is running on port 27101.

So, we will shut down the primary instance by killing the mongod process which is running instance 1.

The former primary instance is now down. Let’s connect to any other node and check which one is the new primary.

We can see that the new PRIMARY instance is running on port 27103.

Let’s restart the former primary instance and see the new status.


The instance which running on 27101 is now turned as SECONDARY instance.

2.10. Force a member to be Primary by Setting its Priority High


You can force a replica set member to become primary by giving it a higher members[n].priority value than any other member in the set.

Optionally, you also can force a member never to become primary by setting its members[n].priority value to 0, which means the member can never seek election as primary.




This procedure assumes the below configuration (This is part of rs.status command output):

  members: [


      _id: 0,

      name: '',                                         

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',





      _id: 1,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 1,

      stateStr: 'PRIMARY',





      _id: 2,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 7,

      stateStr: 'ARBITER',



      _id: 3,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',



      _id: 4,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',



The procedure assumes that is the actual primary node. We need to make to be the primary node.

We have four members and one arbiter. In a mongosh session that is connected to the primary, we use the following sequence of operations to make the primary:


cfg = rs.conf()

cfg.members[0].priority = 1

cfg.members[1].priority = 0.5


cfg.members[2].priority = 0  --Arbiter


cfg.members[3].priority = 0.5

cfg.members[4].priority = 0.5



By running rs.status command we have the below:


members: [


      _id: 0,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 1,

      stateStr: 'PRIMARY',





      _id: 1,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',





      _id: 2,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 7,

      stateStr: 'ARBITER',





      _id: 3,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',





      _id: 4,

      name: '',

      health: 1,

      state: 2,

      stateStr: 'SECONDARY',





  ok: 1,




repl01 [direct: secondary] test> cfg=rs.conf()


  _id: 'repl01',

  version: 7,

  term: 6,

  members: [


      _id: 0,

      host: '',

      arbiterOnly: false,

      buildIndexes: true,

      hidden: false,

      priority: 1,

      tags: {},

      slaveDelay: Long("0"),

      votes: 1



      _id: 1,

      host: '',

      arbiterOnly: false,

      buildIndexes: true,

      hidden: false,

      priority: 0.5,

      tags: {},

      slaveDelay: Long("0"),

      votes: 1



      _id: 2,

      host: '',

      arbiterOnly: true,

      buildIndexes: true,

      hidden: false,

      priority: 0,

      tags: {},

      slaveDelay: Long("0"),

      votes: 1



      _id: 3,

      host: '',

      arbiterOnly: false,

      buildIndexes: true,

      hidden: false,

      priority: 0.5,

      tags: {},

      slaveDelay: Long("0"),

      votes: 1



      _id: 4,

      host: '',

      arbiterOnly: false,

      buildIndexes: true,

      hidden: false,

      priority: 0.5,

      tags: {},

      slaveDelay: Long("0"),

      votes: 1



  protocolVersion: Long("1"),

  writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault: true,

  settings: {

    chainingAllowed: true,

    heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000,

    heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10,

    electionTimeoutMillis: 10000,

    catchUpTimeoutMillis: -1,

    catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000,

    getLastErrorModes: {},

    getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 },

    replicaSetId: ObjectId("614cfcc67db73190be7daa50")



repl01 [direct: secondary] test>








3.  Configuring MongoDB Sharding

3.1.    Why sharding

In replication,

-      all writes go to master node

-      Latency sensitive queries still go to master

-      Single replica set has limitation of 12 nodes

-      Memory can't be large enough when active dataset is big

-      Local disk is not big enough

-      Vertical scaling is too expensive


3.2.    Architecture

On this tutorial, we consider the former replica set with:

-      One master instance

-      Three secondaries’ instances

-      An arbiter

Now, we will create:

-      One replicat set with three config instances

-      One mongos instance

-      An additional replicat set with one master and two secondary nodes.


3.3.    Creation of a replicat set with config servers

To achieve that, we will follow steps as below:

-      Create directories for config server replica set

mkdir -p /opt/data/replcfg/ instcfg01

mkdir -p /opt/data/replcfg/ instcfg02

mkdir -p /opt/data/replcfg/ instcfg03


-      Creation of config server instances

The configuration file for the config server is as follow:

We start the config instances using mongod:

-      Initiation of config server replication

[root@linuxsvr01 replcfg]# mongosh --port 27201

Current Mongosh Log ID: 6153e9ac7b64256f746b9c2e

Connecting to:          mongodb://

Using MongoDB:          5.0.2

Using Mongosh:          1.0.5


For mongosh info see:



   The server generated these startup warnings when booting:

   2021-09-29T00:00:13.882-04:00: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine. See

   2021-09-29T00:00:14.846-04:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted

   2021-09-29T00:00:14.846-04:00: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended

   2021-09-29T00:00:14.846-04:00: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never'

   2021-09-29T00:00:14.846-04:00: Soft rlimits for open file descriptors too low



Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.

  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.

replcfg01 [direct: primary] test>


3.4.    Creation of mongos instance

Mongos instances is also called router instances. They are basically mongo instances, interface with client applications and direct operations to the appropriate shard. The query router processes and targets the operations to shards and then returns results to the clients. A sharded cluster can contain more than one query router to divide the client request load. A client sends requests to one query router. Generally, a sharded cluster have many query routers.

Now, we start the mongos instance using the config servers created above.

mongos --port 27300  --fork --logpath /opt/data/mongos/mongos_27300.log  --configdb  replcfg01/,,


Now, we an connect on our mongos server using mongosh shell command.

3.5.    Adding Shards to Mongos

Shards are used to store data. They provide high availability and data consistency. In production environment, each shard is a separate replica set as follow:

To add shards in mongos, we use sh.addShard() method using the admin database.


[direct: mongos] test> use admin

switched to db admin

[direct: mongos] admin>



sh.addShard( "repl01/,,,,");



To see the status of the sharding status, we run the command sh.status() under the mongos prompt:


[direct: mongos] admin> sh.status()



  _id: 1,

  minCompatibleVersion: 5,

  currentVersion: 6,

  clusterId: ObjectId("6153e945fbd96b9e59d869dd")






    _id: 'repl01',

    host: 'repl01/,,,',

    state: 1,

    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632895183, i: 1 })




active mongoses

[ { '5.0.2': 1 } ]



{ 'Currently enabled': 'yes' }




  'Currently running': 'no',

  'Currently enabled': 'yes',

  'Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts': 0,

  'Migration Results for the last 24 hours': 'No recent migrations'






    database: {

      _id: 'compta',

      primary: 'repl01',

      partitioned: false,

      version: {

        uuid: UUID("9bc29788-fc55-4b6f-8a10-1794a90febd1"),

        timestamp: Timestamp({ t: 1632895183, i: 2 }),

        lastMod: 1



    collections: {}



    database: { _id: 'config', primary: 'config', partitioned: true },

    collections: {

      'config.system.sessions': {

        shardKey: { _id: 1 },

        unique: false,

        balancing: true,

        chunkMetadata: [ { shard: 'repl01', nChunks: 1024 } ],

        chunks: [

          'too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print'


        tags: []





[direct: mongos] admin>


3.6.    Adding additional replica set nodes to sharding

Let’s add another 3 nodes replica set repl02 on our sharding cluster.


[root@linuxsvr01 ~]# mongod --replSet repl02 --journal --port 27401 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl02/inst01 --logpath /opt/data/repl02/inst01/mongod_27401.log –fork


about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 57918

child process started successfully, parent exiting

[root@linuxsvr01 ~]#

[root@linuxsvr01 ~]# mongod --replSet repl02 --journal --port 27402 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl02/inst02 --logpath /opt/data/repl02/inst01/mongod_27402.log –fork


about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 57984

child process started successfully, parent exiting

[root@linuxsvr01 ~]#

[root@linuxsvr01 ~]# mongod --replSet repl02 --journal --port 27403 --shardsvr --dbpath /opt/data/repl02/inst03 --logpath /opt/data/repl02/inst01/mongod_27403.log –fork


about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 58045

child process started successfully, parent exiting

[root@linuxsvr01 ~]#



[root@linuxsvr01 ~]# mongosh --port 27401

Current Mongosh Log ID: 61541eeee1fbd30b59fba380

Connecting to:          mongodb://

Using MongoDB:          5.0.2

Using Mongosh:          1.0.5


For mongosh info see:



   The server generated these startup warnings when booting:

   2021-09-29T03:55:13.573-04:00: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine. See

   2021-09-29T03:55:14.537-04:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted

   2021-09-29T03:55:14.537-04:00: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended

   2021-09-29T03:55:14.537-04:00: This server is bound to localhost. Remote systems will be unable to connect to this server. Start the server with --bind_ip <address> to specify which IP addresses it should serve responses from, or with --bind_ip_all to bind to all interfaces. If this behavior is desired, start the server with --bind_ip to disable this warning

   2021-09-29T03:55:14.537-04:00: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never'

   2021-09-29T03:55:14.537-04:00: Soft rlimits for open file descriptors too low



Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.

  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.




test> rs.initiate( {

...    _id : "repl02",

...    members: [ {_id : 0, host : ""},

...               {_id : 1, host : ""},

...               {_id : 2, host : ""}

...     ]

... })

{ ok: 1 }

repl02 [direct: other] test>

repl02 [direct: primary] test>




[root@linuxsvr01 ~]# mongosh --port 27300

Current Mongosh Log ID: 615420cf8b53c829ff63f6d5

Connecting to:          mongodb://

Using MongoDB:          5.0.2

Using Mongosh:          1.0.5


For mongosh info see:



   The server generated these startup warnings when booting:

   2021-09-29T00:30:11.523-04:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted

   2021-09-29T00:30:11.523-04:00: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended

   2021-09-29T00:30:11.523-04:00: This server is bound to localhost. Remote systems will be unable to connect to this server. Start the server with --bind_ip <address> to specify which IP addresses it should serve responses from, or with --bind_ip_all to bind to all interfaces. If this behavior is desired, start the server with --bind_ip to disable this warning



Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.

  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.

[direct: mongos] test>


[direct: mongos] test> use admin

switched to db admin

[direct: mongos] admin>



[direct: mongos] admin> sh.addShard( "repl02/,," )


  shardAdded: 'repl02',

  ok: 1,

  '$clusterTime': {

    clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632903493, i: 1 }),

    signature: {

      hash: Binary(Buffer.from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "hex"), 0),

      keyId: Long("0")



  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632903492, i: 4 })


[direct: mongos] admin>




3.7. Shard a collection

Now we are going for testing our sharding configuration. We are using test database as follow:

[direct: mongos] test>

[direct: mongos] test> var bulk = db.big_collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();


[direct: mongos] test> people = ["Mbadi", "Tonye", "Moussa", "Onana", "Engolo", "Bello", "Evembe", "Diabongue", "Essomba", "Biya", "Mengolo", "Um Nyobe"];


  'Mbadi',   'Tonye',

  'Moussa',  'Onana',

  'Engolo',  'Bello',

  'Evembe',  'Diabongue',

  'Essomba', 'Biya',

  'Mengolo', 'Um Nyobe'



[direct: mongos] test> for(var i=0; i<2000000; i++){user_id = i;name = people[Math.floor(Math.random()*people.length)];number = Math.floor(Math.random()*10001);bulk.insert( { "user_id":user_id, "name":name, "number":number });}

{ nInsertOps: 2000000, nUpdateOps: 0, nRemoveOps: 0, nBatches: 2003 }

[direct: mongos] test>


[direct: mongos] test> bulk.execute();


  acknowledged: true,

  insertedCount: 2000000,

  insertedIds: [

    { index: 0, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2ea") },

    { index: 1, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2eb") },

    { index: 2, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2ec") },

    { index: 3, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2ed") },

    { index: 4, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2ee") },

    { index: 5, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2ef") },

    { index: 6, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f0") },

    { index: 7, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f1") },

    { index: 8, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f2") },

    { index: 9, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f3") },

    { index: 10, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f4") },

    { index: 11, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f5") },

    { index: 12, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f6") },

    { index: 13, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f7") },

    { index: 14, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f8") },

    { index: 15, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2f9") },

    { index: 16, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2fa") },

    { index: 17, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2fb") },

    { index: 18, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2fc") },

    { index: 19, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2fd") },

    { index: 20, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2fe") },

    { index: 21, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b2ff") },

    { index: 22, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b300") },

    { index: 23, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b301") },

    { index: 24, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b302") },

    { index: 25, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b303") },

    { index: 26, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b304") },

    { index: 27, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b305") },

    { index: 28, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b306") },

    { index: 29, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b307") },

    { index: 30, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b308") },

    { index: 31, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b309") },

    { index: 32, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b30a") },

    { index: 33, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b30b") },

    { index: 34, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b30c") },

    { index: 35, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b30d") },

    { index: 36, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b30e") },

    { index: 37, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b30f") },

    { index: 38, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b310") },

    { index: 39, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b311") },

    { index: 40, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b312") },

    { index: 41, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b313") },

    { index: 42, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b314") },

    { index: 43, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b315") },

    { index: 44, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b316") },

    { index: 45, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b317") },

    { index: 46, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b318") },

    { index: 47, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b319") },

    { index: 48, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b31a") },

    { index: 49, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b31b") },

    { index: 50, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b31c") },

    { index: 51, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b31d") },

    { index: 52, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b31e") },

    { index: 53, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b31f") },

    { index: 54, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b320") },

    { index: 55, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b321") },

    { index: 56, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b322") },

    { index: 57, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b323") },

    { index: 58, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b324") },

    { index: 59, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b325") },

    { index: 60, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b326") },

    { index: 61, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b327") },

    { index: 62, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b328") },

    { index: 63, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b329") },

    { index: 64, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b32a") },

    { index: 65, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b32b") },

    { index: 66, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b32c") },

    { index: 67, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b32d") },

    { index: 68, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b32e") },

    { index: 69, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b32f") },

    { index: 70, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b330") },

    { index: 71, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b331") },

    { index: 72, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b332") },

    { index: 73, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b333") },

    { index: 74, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b334") },

    { index: 75, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b335") },

    { index: 76, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b336") },

    { index: 77, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b337") },

    { index: 78, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b338") },

    { index: 79, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b339") },

    { index: 80, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b33a") },

    { index: 81, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b33b") },

    { index: 82, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b33c") },

    { index: 83, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b33d") },

    { index: 84, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b33e") },

    { index: 85, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b33f") },

    { index: 86, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b340") },

    { index: 87, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b341") },

    { index: 88, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b342") },

    { index: 89, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b343") },

    { index: 90, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b344") },

    { index: 91, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b345") },

    { index: 92, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b346") },

    { index: 93, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b347") },

    { index: 94, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b348") },

    { index: 95, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b349") },

    { index: 96, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b34a") },

    { index: 97, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b34b") },

    { index: 98, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b34c") },

    { index: 99, _id: ObjectId("615d7e62e3abab4e4107b34d") },

    ... 1999900 more items


  matchedCount: 0,

  modifiedCount: 0,

  deletedCount: 0,

  upsertedCount: 0,

  upsertedIds: []


[direct: mongos] test>


[direct: mongos] test> sh.enableSharding( "test" )


  ok: 1,

  '$clusterTime': {

    clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1633517943, i: 2 }),

    signature: {

      hash: Binary(Buffer.from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "hex"), 0),

      keyId: Long("0")



  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1633517943, i: 2 })



[direct: mongos] test> db.big_collection.createIndex( { number : 1 } )


[direct: mongos] test>


[direct: mongos] test> sh.shardCollection("test.big_collection",{"number":1});


  collectionsharded: 'test.big_collection',

  ok: 1,

  '$clusterTime': {

    clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1633518159, i: 4 }),

    signature: {

      hash: Binary(Buffer.from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "hex"), 0),

      keyId: Long("0")



  operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1633518158, i: 6 })


[direct: mongos] test>


[direct: mongos] test> db.printShardingStatus()



  _id: 1,

  minCompatibleVersion: 5,

  currentVersion: 6,

  clusterId: ObjectId("6153e945fbd96b9e59d869dd")






    _id: 'repl01',

    host: 'repl01/,,,',

    state: 1,

    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632895183, i: 1 })



    _id: 'repl02',

    host: 'repl02/,,',

    state: 1,

    topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1632903492, i: 2 })




active mongoses

[ { '5.0.2': 1 } ]



{ 'Currently enabled': 'yes' }




  'Currently running': 'no',

  'Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts': 4,

  'Last reported error': 'Could not find host matching read preference { mode: "primary" } for set repl02',

  'Time of Reported error': ISODate("2021-10-06T09:20:01.132Z"),

  'Currently enabled': 'yes',

  'Migration Results for the last 24 hours': 'No recent migrations'






    database: {

      _id: 'compta',

      primary: 'repl01',

      partitioned: false,

      version: {

        uuid: UUID("9bc29788-fc55-4b6f-8a10-1794a90febd1"),

        timestamp: Timestamp({ t: 1632895183, i: 2 }),

        lastMod: 1



    collections: {}



    database: { _id: 'config', primary: 'config', partitioned: true },

    collections: {

      'config.system.sessions': {

        shardKey: { _id: 1 },

        unique: false,

        balancing: true,

        chunkMetadata: [

          { shard: 'repl01', nChunks: 512 },

          { shard: 'repl02', nChunks: 512 }


        chunks: [

          'too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print'


        tags: []





    database: {

      _id: 'people',

      primary: 'repl02',

      partitioned: true,

      version: {

        uuid: UUID("0fb50b4f-1556-4b7f-8d22-db4f90748f4a"),

        timestamp: Timestamp({ t: 1632908273, i: 2 }),

        lastMod: 1



    collections: {}



    database: {

      _id: 'test',

      primary: 'repl01',

      partitioned: true,

      version: {

        uuid: UUID("720d5514-53f3-473c-a807-0326bc2335c5"),

        timestamp: Timestamp({ t: 1633438992, i: 1 }),

        lastMod: 1



    collections: {

      'test.big_collection': {

        shardKey: { number: 1 },

        unique: false,

        balancing: true,

        chunkMetadata: [ { shard: 'repl01', nChunks: 4 } ],

        chunks: [

          { min: { number: MinKey() }, max: { number: 2622 }, 'on shard': 'repl01', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 1, i: 0 }) },

          { min: { number: 2622 }, max: { number: 5246 }, 'on shard': 'repl01', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 1, i: 1 }) },

          { min: { number: 5246 }, max: { number: 7869 }, 'on shard': 'repl01', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 1, i: 2 }) },

          { min: { number: 7869 }, max: { number: MaxKey() }, 'on shard': 'repl01', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 1, i: 3 }) }


        tags: []





[direct: mongos] test>


[direct: mongos] test> db.big_collection.getShardDistribution();

Shard repl01 at repl01/,,,


  data: '122.22MiB',

  docs: 2000000,

  chunks: 3,

  'estimated data per chunk': '40.74MiB',

  'estimated docs per chunk': 666666



Shard repl02 at repl02/,,


  data: '32.04MiB',

  docs: 524268,

  chunks: 1,

  'estimated data per chunk': '32.04MiB',

  'estimated docs per chunk': 524268





  data: '154.26MiB',

  docs: 2524268,

  chunks: 4,

  'Shard repl01': [

    '79.23 % data',

    '79.23 % docs in cluster',

    '64B avg obj size on shard'


  'Shard repl02': [

    '20.76 % data',

    '20.76 % docs in cluster',

    '64B avg obj size on shard'



[direct: mongos] test>




How to fix errors : -         ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database -         ORA-38780: Restore poin...