mercredi 17 août 2022

Security on Oracle Autonomous Database


Security on Oracle Autonomous Database

Author: Donatien MBADI OUM, Oracle Consultant


1.    Introduction

In this section, we are going to show you how to manage users in Autonomous Database (ADB). After that, we are going to talk about Database Alarms and Events. Access Control List (ACL) and Private Endpoints to secure access to the database from remote IPs addresses, will be take place and at the end, we will cover Data Safe and How to connect to ADB using several tools.

2.    Managing users


When you provisioning your Autonomous Database (ADB) the ADMIN user is already pre-created for you and you would have provided the password.

After that, you are going to want to create additional users either as end users who access to the database or for your application. On ADB, Oracle simplifies this task by creating a role called DWROLE or Data Warehouse Role for developers and data warehouse users. You only simply specify a password and that password will adhere to Oracle’s password complexity rules.

DWROLE includes all the necessary privileges for a DW developer/user. There is no need to specify default tablespaces, a temporary tablespaces or others.

You can create a new user using Cloud Console, by clicking on Database Actions/Database Users under Administration Tab.

 By default, the password will not expire for 360 days.

You can also use SQL Developer tools or other regular client utility.

You may find that you need to change the password for the ADMIN user. That can done through the regular client tools, however, Oracle also provide a mechanism to do it within the Cloud Console. It’s simply by clicking the More Actions menu and then select Administrator Password.

And when you click that, it will bring up a pop-pup which prompts for the new password that you wish to update the system with.


3.    Alarms and Events in ADB

Events can be used for variety of notifications, including ADMIN password expiration, ADB services going down and wallet expiration warnings. This service is called Notifications service and it is part of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

This service provides you the ability to broadcast messages to distributed components using a publish-subscribe model. These notifications can be used to notify you when event rules or alarms are triggered or simply to directly publish a message. In addition to this, there is also something called a topic. This is a communication channel for sending messages to subscribers in the topic.

To define an event, you can simply search notifications on the bar menu.

This will bring you to the page for notifications. To create your notifications, you may follow the bellow steps:

-        Create a topic (Choose your compartment first)

-        On the topic page, create a subscription (for example, if protocol is Email, provide your e-mail address.

-        Confirm a subscription sent by e-mail

-        Create and alarm (for example CPU Utilization, under Metrics Options)

4.    Access Control List (ACL) and Private Endpoints

Access Control List provides a mechanism to block all IPs addresses that are not in a specified list from accessing the database. By default, no ACL is specified; the database is accessible from any IP address. Specify the ACL means that services that are the subsets, for example things like SQL Developer Web, Application Express (APEX), OML(Oracle Machine Learning) Notebook will also blocked by these ACL. ACL con be configured for ADB at any time, either during provisioning or it can be added to an existing ADB.

ACL can be configured for individual IP addresses, CIDR blocks ranges or Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). All of these can be done simultaneously.

To configure ACL, through the Clod Console, Go to Network section and click on Edit Link, in the front of Access Control List and then provides the IPs, CIDR or VCN on the IP notation Type dropdown list. Click on Save Changes button. The status of ACL will change to Enabled.

Note: The database restore does not overwrite the existing ACL configuration.

Some users may not want to allow to ADB to be publicly routable at all. This would be one way of ensuring that access or traffic to the ADB is completely kept of the public internet. This can be done by using the Private Endpoints. You can configure a private endpoint when you provision a new database or when you clone an existing database. So you cannot convert an existing ADB to use private endpoints but you can a clone of your ADB into a VCN and convert it to use private endpoints as long as you meet your requirements.

Before you can specify using a private Endpoint for you ADB, you need to make sure:

-        There must be a VCN within the region for ADB, this cannot be change after provisioning

-        You have a private subnet with default DHCP settings

-        At least one Network Security Group (NSG) within your VCN, This can be changed or edited after provisioning.

To manage private endpoints, you must have permission to manage private endpoints in the tenancy, as well as to use virtual network resources, such as VCNs and subnets


Allow group <group_name> to manage orm-private-endpoints in tenancy


Allow group <group_name> to use virtual-network-family in tenancy

  where any request.operation={'CreatePrivateEndpoint'}"


5.    Compartment Quotas

Compartment helps to organize and isolate your Cloud resources. You can create sub-compartment in compartments to create hierarchies that are 6 levels deep. Most resources can be moved between compartments. Compartments also inherits any policies from their parent compartments. If you are an Administrator, you will have permissions to view all compartments and work with any compartment’s resources. But if you are user with limited access, you probably won’t.

Compartment quotas are very similar to Service limits. However, whereas the service limits are set by Oracle, compartment quotas are set by customer administrators; in dedicated infrastructure, this is managed by Fleet Administrator and it is just one of their responsibility.  

Compartment quotas are set using policy statements that are similar to the Identity and Access Management. There are 3 types of quota policy statements to limit the availability of a given resource in a given compartment:

-        set : Sets the maximum number of a cloud resource that can be used for a compartment

-        unset: Resets quotas back to the default service limits

-        zero: removes access to a cloud resource for a compartment

Quota policy statements have the following format:

 Tenancy limits, quotas and usage can be viewed using your Cloud console. To manage quotas in a compartment, you must belong to a group that has the correct permissions.


For example:


Quotas can have a scope:

-        Availability Domain

-        Region

-        Globally

When setting the quota at the availability domain or region level, the quota is allocated at each AD or region. You can use WHERE clause to target a specific AD or region.

The language components for a quota policy statement are:

-        The action keyword, which correspond to the type of quota being defined (set, unset or zero)

-        The name of service family; for example compute-core

-        The quota or quotas keyword

-        The name of the quota, which varies by service family. For example, a valid quota in the compute-core family is standard-e4-core-count

-        For set statements, the value of quota

-        The compartment hat the quota covers

-        An optional condition. For example where request.region=’ ca-montreal-1’



-        Limit the ADW CPU core count to 2 in compartment MyCompatment:

set database quota adw-ocpu-count to 2 in compartment MyCompartment;

-        Limit the number of ATP-Dedicated OCPU to 20 in compartment MyCompatment:

set database quota atp-dedicated-ocpu-count to 20 in compartment MyCompartment;

-        Disallow all resources in a service family except specific resources

zero compute-core quotas in tenancy

unset compute-core quota standard2-core-count in tenancy



6.    Data Safe

Oracle Data Safe is unified control center for ADB to manage and assess the security of all your enterprise database services. It gives a quick and easy way to identify configurations that may not be compliant of if there are sensitive data that are not been cataloged correctly. It also provides easy tools to perform data masking operations.

Data Safe is a free service with all Oracle Cloud Database (ADB, ExaCS, DBaaS). Oracle only charges you if you exceed 1 million audit vectors per month per target and if that limit is met then the pricing is very minimal at 0.08$ per 10 000 per target per month.

The features of Data Safe includes:

-        Assess: Security Assessment, User assessment, Data discovery, Data masking, Activity auditing. Security assessment helps to assess the security of your database configurations and analyzes the user accounts.

-        Detect: Activity auditing, the security controls and reports the findings and recommendations for remediation. In data recovery, it helps you find sensitive data and return to you a list of sensitive columns.

-        Prevent: Data masking provide you a way to mask sensitive data, so the data is data for non-production purposes. So like the most organizations the often to need to copy the production data down to lower level environments or for testing purpose. Activity auditing lets you audit user activities so you can monitor database and be alerted by unusual activities.


7.    Connecting on Autonomous Database

After you create database users, applications and tools connect to Autonomous Databases using Oracle Net Services (also known as SQL*Net). Oracle Net Services enables a network session from a client application to an Oracle Database server.

When a network session is established, Oracle Net Services acts as the data courier for both the client application and the database. It is responsible for establishing and maintaining the connection between the client application and the database, as well as exchanging messages between them.

Oracle Net Services supports a variety of connection types to connect to an Autonomous Database instance, including:

·        JDBC Thin Driver: for Java applications, the JDBC Thin Driver is a pure Java driver. Many applications, including Oracle SQL Developer support JDBC Thin Driver connections.

·        JDBC OCI: which is used by Java language applications. JDBC OCI adds a layer over Oracle Call Interface for Java applications. The Oracle SQLcl command-line interface uses JDBC OCI.

·        Oracle Call Interface (OCI): used by many applications written in C language. Examples that use Oracle Call Interface include Oracle utilities such as Oracle SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader, and Oracle Data Pump.

·        ODBC Drivers: used by applications running on Microsoft Windows, that are layered over Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

The following figure shows client secure connections to Oracle Autonomous Database over the public Internet using Mutual TLS connections. If you configure your database to use private endpoints, then the public internet is not used and the connection uses a private endpoint inside a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in your tenancy.


To secure the connection to your ADB instance a service administrator downloads the client credentials (wallet files) from ADB. If you are not an ADB service administrator, your administrator provides you with the client credentials.

The credential zip file contains the key and other information needed to connect to ADB like:

-        truststore.jks

-        tnsnames.ora

-        sqlnet.ora


-        keystore.jks

-        ewallet.p12

-        cwallet.sso

-        ewallet.pem

Oracle ADB uses always-on encryption that protects data at rest and in transit. All data stored in OCI and network communication with Oracle Cloud is encrypted by default and encryption cannot be turned off.

ADB uses certificates authentication and Secure Socket Layer (SSL). By default, Oracle creates and manages all the master encryption keys used to protect data, storing them in a secure PKCS12 key stored on the same Exadata Systems, where the database resides. Customer can control key generation and rotation of the keys.

The default port number for Autonomous Database mTLS connections is 1522

As the ADB only accepts secure connections, you first need to download the wallet credentials file containing your credentials. The wallet is downloaded from the Database Actions/Administration or from DB Connection8 button or trough APIs calls.

-        The wallet contains several files in a compressed zip file.

-        After downloading the zip file, store it in a secure location and share the location only with authorized users.

There are two types of wallet.

-        For ADB shared provided either the:

o   Instance wallet file (Contains only credentials  and keys for a single ADB)

o   Regional wallet file (Contains credentials and keys for all ADB in a specified region. Regional wallet should be used by database administrator only)

-        For ADB dedicated

o   The wallet file contains only credentials and keys for a single ADB

o   There is no regional file

You can rotate the wallet either for the instance or for the region. If you do it for the instance, all the keys for that associated instance are discarded and it generates a completely new wallet. If you do it for the region, the regional wallet will continue to work, however, any new connection will be terminated and it will to be re-established using that new wallet.

There are two connectivity options to establish a connection to the ADB:

-        Through the public Internet directly

-        Using Fast Connect with a public peering (this option provides private connections from on-premises networks)

Example 1: Connecting to ADB using SQL Developer

1.     Download the Client wallet credentials from Cloud Console using Database actions or DB connection




Click on Download wallet button

2.     Open SQL Developer connection on your local computer, in the connection panel click on new connection in the dropdown list.


Enter the following information:

-        Connection Name, the name of you cloud connection

-        Username, the database name (ADMIN or other created user)

-        Password, The password you specified when creating the user

-        Connection type, Select Clout wallet

-        Configuration File, Browse and select the downloaded credential zip file or a file given to you by the administrator

-        Keystore, If using SQL Developer 18.2.0 or newer, no need to provide a keystore password. If using SQL Developer older than 18.2.0, enter the password that was use when you download the credentials zip file.

-        Service, in the drop-down lit menu, service selections are prepended with database names. Select the service depending of your requirement and priority for your session.



Click Test. Status Success displays at the button left of Select Database Connection dialog.

 Click Connect. An entry for the new connection appears under Connections.


Example 2: Connecting to ADB using Database Actions


After select your ADB instance, you can access to SQL Developer Web Console. You will be prompted to log in.

Note that, only the ADMIN user is explicitly granted access to Database Actions. So if this is your first time accessing on your ADB, you must log in as the admin. The admin account password here is what you specified during the creation of your ADB.



The SQL Page enables you to enter and execute SQL and PL/SQL statements, and create database objects. You can also save data to a file. Some other features are:

-        Syntax highlighting

-        Error detection


If you wish to grant new user access to SQL Developer Web, you can in and run the ords_admin.enable_schema package. It allow you to provide any additional developer to have access to that URL that they will be connecting to.


ords_admin.enable_schema (

     p_enabled => TRUE,

     p_schema =>'SCHEMA_NAME',

     p_url_mapping_type => 'BASE_PATH',

     p_url_mapping_pattern => 'schema_alias',

     p_auto_rest_auth => NULL




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